Friday, November 16, 2012

Rainbow Elevation

As an instructor of mine recently said, there are only so many elevations a jury can look at before they become nothing more than a mess of lines. This project was my twist on an ordinary elevation drawing to make it more interesting to look at and capture your juror's attention.


Laser cut the drawing's line work onto white acrylic (or polycarbonate). The lines will be hard to see so you want to make sure the lines were cut into the material pretty well.


Squeeze some paint onto an area of the lifework. I chose acrylic because it dries fast and is easy to wipe off with just water. (Use very little paint because you only need a little bit, and it will avoid a big mess)


Squeeze another color choice onto a different area of the drawing...


another color in a different area of the drawing.


Once you have the color squeezed onto the surface take a squeegee and spread the paint along the surface, the paint should get stuck into the lines cut into the surface. Avoid mixing the color because it will just turn into a nasty brown color, keep the colors as swirls.

Thats it! Pretty quick to make, and not a bad result. I could see this technique being used to make some very beautiful colorful line work.
Thanks for listening! :)

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